"Jacob + Charlotte"

"Jacob + Charlotte"

Friday, September 5, 2014

A Little About Me..,

I am a newlywed, a mother, and a new puppy owner (named Javier after the character from the show Castle. GREAT show. I'm a convert from Law & Order and I'm not ashamed). We recently moved because of the military (his first PCS in the Marine Corps into our first house as a married couple), and are settled in, although not fully unpacked (shame on me). I am now a stay at home mom which is TOTALLY new to me, as I came from having to work 2 jobs while also going to school. School is DEFINITELY still in the future for me, but currently I'm enjoying crafting and keeping the house because there is a part of me that is very old school and I'm okay with that. :)

We are getting accustomed to the military lifestyle on base (West coast, best coast! But I AM biased because I'm a native), and we mostly keep to ourselves except for one other couple we hit it off with. We really prefer it that way because honestly, some people here on base are pretty scandalous. But that's another post!

I am a dreamer, a wannabe abstract philosopher, and an introvert for the most part. I started this because I've always found comfort in writing and I thought it would be fun to share some of the things I like with people who like the same things.. and I guess to find my little niche on the web. I'm not looking for popularity (God knows I'm not used to it from high school, HA!) so blogging has always scared me since it first became something. When you blog, you put yourself out there and there are a lot of people who judge and carelessly critique and who don't take the time to understand people to do such things. So many people have turned the craps they give off and just started blogging because they wanted to reach people with writing that meant something dear to them, and I applaud those brave souls. Well, I'm venturing out there and I'm not going for some huge impact, but I want to be one of those brave souls. 

That's a LITTLE about me, and us. Can you relate in any way?

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